Andy Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Jim Wilson wrote:
>  > Ok, so are you saying that the lon/lat/alt values that the fdm outputs
>  > are at the origin already adjusted for cg?  If so then how would that
>  > affect the axis of say pitch rotation on the c172 model?  It's origin
>  > is at the firewall and the pitch rotation is always on the access that
>  > intersects there.  Should we be doing something different?
> The second answer, if I understand the question, is "it doesn't
> matter".  Orientations and positions have nothing to do with each
> other.  The lat/lon/alt values tell you where the firewall point of
> the aircraft is, but they don't say anything about where the aircraft
> is pointing.  The hdg/pitch/roll numbers tell you how the aircraft is
> oriented, but not where the firewall is.

Sorry, I mistyped that message.  What I was concerned about was the "axis" of
rotation.  Where the aircraft pivots when the pitch angle changes similar to
where the fulcrum would be if the aircraft was a seesaw.  It probably doesn't
change all that much (for visualization) and I'm not going to worry about it
right now.

As far as the viewer.cxx and model.cxx code are concerned the axes for
orientation rotations will continue to be at the model origin (which is set at
the lon/lat/alt reported by FDMs) until further notice :-)



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