Wow. Thanks for the feedback. This is really the only _best_ way to making
sure the feel of the flight modeling is right - getting the qualitative
reports from many people is even better.

P-Factor is definitely one of those effects we need to adjust based on the
qualitative judgment of people who have flown the type. If we had good
data on the phenomena it would be good, but we don't. We knew full well
that in our model we'd need to adjust it. Feel free to do so until it
matches your recollections.

Landing gear steering *gain* is another one of those things. As far as the
differential steering with braking, I don't know what to say other than we
may have to take another look at that section of code.

Thanks for the impressions.


> Although I've said before that I wouldn't do it, I went up today for a
> CA$45.00 (US$30.00) introductory flight in a 100HP Cessna 150 at the
> Ottawa Flying Club at CYOW (there's a separate north field for small
> aircraft so that we don't have to worry about wake turbulence from all
> the big jets).  My instructor was younger than I am but had 1,600
> hours flying experience -- I think this is the first time I've ever
> been formally instructed in anything by a younger person.
> ...

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