On Sat, 6 Apr 2002 05:36:30 -0800 (PST), 
Alex Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 

> > Although I've said before that I wouldn't do it,
> Grin ... sounds like you had a good (and generic) intro flight.
> > I had expected that in an introductory flight the instructor would
> > [...]
> Nope; what you got is pretty standard.  A good flight instructor tends
> to blend into the background.  You hardly notice him (except when
> being

..in rc flight instruction, I use a pushier approach: I first brief them
on my terminology, then takes off and trims, then I have them "power
up", "throttle down", and "turn left (or right)" to change heading,
always relative to the plane.  

..once that is learned, I have them "fly north of field", "climb west of
field", "an 8, east of field", "turn left climbing", "circle left, east
of field", "turn right sinking", and "trim up, 3 clicks" etc for speed

.."pumping" them from about 1/2 minute to 5, with 1/2 minute pauses, 
builds fatigue resistance, and enough fingertip feel for a lowpass, 
a series of climbing and sinking turns, and a "lowpass".  ;-)

..taking advantage of built fatigue resistance and finger tip feel, and
a wee dose of confusion, I have my newbies land in 15-40 minutes
airtime.  _Nobody_ complains about their first broken prop.  ;-)  
> > I was prepared for a heavy
> > propeller effect

..me2, as in; 'torque kick rudder and frozen wheel bearing 
on same side as drink'.  ;-)  

> Exactly, and that feeling gets worse as you start doing traffic
> scanning.

.._let_go_ of the stick/yoke, it'll fly all by itself.  Fingertip
pressure to hint smoothly like the pro's do, to "tell where to fly".

> Your simulator experiences may also be causing you to concentrate on
> the forward view excessively, which reduces the ability of your brain

..a tip: try some air combat sim, where you _need_ to chk yer 6, and 
to use terrain, to sneak up on ground target.  ;-)

> to subliminally pick up visual attitude cues from the horizon line.
> > The truth was that I was
> > terrified to let go of the yoke and was feeling more and more motion
> > sick 
> If you're stressed out, as a flight student, your ability to learn
> is degraded.  Give the plane back to the instructor, who has more

..here, the instructors magic words: "I have it."  My guess is your
sim time and skill, confused him.  You want "pumping".  As you say, 
you failed to scan for traffic, and you got air sick.  
The good news is, you have the guts to clean lunch off the panel, 
and complete by aborting, and passing, on your check ride.  ;-)

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt... ;-)
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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