Norman Vine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> David Megginson writes:
> >
> >Christian Mayer writes:
> >
> > > So it'll be quite hard to solve in a general way. Drawing the plane last
> > > in it's own z-buffer range (IIRC we are doing that now with the normal
> > > 3D panel) won't work generally, as there might be other objects 'in the
> > > way' (i.e. between the tower and the plane)
> >
> >The plane should be in the same z-buffer range as everything else in
> >an external view.  I have a patch from Jim in my INBOX that's supposed
> >to fix that.
> FYI  -  'Z-buffer 101'

This makes sense. Also I've found other reasons to not apply that patch. The
3d model ends up disappearing behind mountains (when it should not) if it is
rendered without clearing the z-buffer.  In a nutshell, if we render it in a
seperate scenegraph from the scenery then we have to clear the depth buffer. 
Note that clearing this means the model could appear in front of something
that it should not.  This is probably something we will have to live with,
although it brings up some issues with how to render static models.  In the
end I believe that we will have to reserve the seperate scene graph for
interior view only and integrate all other models into the main ssg.

What about the w-buffer?  From what I understand not every card supports it,
and if it is supported the error would be more or less uniform for the entire
model so that it's effect wouldn't be noticable when viewing from a distance.
 Is that correct?



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