Major A wrote:
> Sorry, sorry, that should have read "tail stuck IN the
> ground". Attached screenshot taken within 3sec after releasing brakes,
> after this, the plane pitches up even more, and fgfs hangs, moaning
> about terrain intersections. Maybe it's the two fronts wheels taking
> off rather than the tailwheel being buried, but in any case airspeed
> builds up much too quickly.

One note is that the fact that the wheels are "drawn" inside the
ground is probably a red herring.  David's 3D model and the YASim
geometry description of the DC-3 aren't in perfect agreement, so you
can sometimes see this artifact.  We need to clean this up at some
point, but that's clearly not the bug you're seeing.

Just to be clear:

You started up the engines, firewalled the throttle, let the RPMs
stablize, released the brakes, and the aircraft pitched *up*???
That's clearly unphysical.  Clearly the only "right" thing here would
be for the aircraft to accelerate slowly (the DC-3 gets about 0.3G of
acceleration at the start of the run), and maybe ground loop.  Under
no circumstance should it be pitching until there is enough airflow
over the horizontal stabilizer to lift the tail.  This happens
somewhere around 40kts or so, I think.

Unfortunately, I've never seen anything like this behavior before.
I'll try it this evening, but I'm pretty sure I would have noticed it
before.  Can anyone else reproduce this?  Is there anything weird
about your platform (other than the ugly window manager, that is)?

The "hanging" of flight gear is just YASim detecting the crash and
ceasing simulation.  You should be able to recover by selecting
File->Reset from the menu.


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

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