Thanks Jon,

Mine are both single head, the Geforce 3 is AGP and the other
is PCI.  Maybe that's the problem.  I always run with the heads-up
display anyway so the panel problem probably would not be an issue
for me.  I'll see if I can find a duel head PCI card.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jon S Berndt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 2:05 PM
> Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] Dual monitors
> On Thu, 30 May 2002 13:57:09 -0600
>   "Boslough, Mark B" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >I am attempting to run flightgear under Windows 2000 on a 
> >machine with 2
> >monitors.  My primary monitor is driven by a Geforce 3, 
> >and my second one is
> > ...
> >MX, so I don't think it is a video driver problem.  Is 
> >there a way to run on
> >either monitor on a dual system (or even better, is there 
> >a way to span 2
> >monitors with one fgfs window)?  
> I've got two monitors run off a single, dual-head GeForce 
> 2 MX/400. Twin view is enabled. I use the nVidia driver. 
> When I crank up FlightGear I can maximize it and it spans 
> both screens just fine. The only drawback is that the 
> panel fills up pretty much the whole window - I get no out 
> the window view above it.
> Jon
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