It's generally accepted in the flight simulator community that trying to
get two out-the-cockpit views on the same computer is a Bad Idea(tm).

It's recommended that if you _must_ run two displays on the same computer
that you run something less intense on the secondary display.  For
instance, among MSFS users it's popular to run one of the Project Magenta
(or even OpenGC), or FreeFD programs on the 2nd display.  This gives you 1
full screen out the cockpit view and other screen that holds all your

If you have two matched boards (typically nVidia chipset boards) even
using one agp and one pci, you technically _can_ do this with many
software packages.  I've seen a game of Quake ][ going on a single machine
with 5 displays running.  It worked very well, but I would NOT call the
results "typical".

A much better choice would be to run multiple computer outside views.


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