On Thu, 30 May 2002 14:14:13 -0600
  "Boslough, Mark B" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Thanks Jon,
>Mine are both single head, the Geforce 3 is AGP and the other
>is PCI.  Maybe that's the problem.  I always run with the heads-up
>display anyway so the panel problem probably would not be an issue
>for me.  I'll see if I can find a duel head PCI card.

I'm not sure how things would work if you run with two 
video cards. That might screw things up - especially if 
one is dual head. I'd recommend going to the Amamax web 
site (www.amamax.com) and buying their Inno3D Dual Head 
AGP GeForce2 MX/400 card w/64 MB RAM and TV out. It should 
run about $100. If you want to run a second card, I think 
it ought to be the PCI card. That ought to get you three 
heads. I think that can be made to work, from what I've 
read on the Inno3D site, but don't quote me.



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