Andy Ross writes:

 > First, the air pressures returned from the environment system don't
 > agree with the standard atmosphere that YASim uses to do its
 > calibration.  They match pretty well at sea level, but diverge as
 > altitude increase.  At 35000 feet, they're too low by 20%, which is
 > substantial.  Could someone check and see where the environment system
 > is getting its numbers? 

>From YASim, but I may have done it wrong (I converted from metric to
more common aviation units).  Look around line 257 in
src/Environment/environment.cxx, or search for "Atmosphere model".  It
could even be an interpolation problem -- I'm using the regular
SimGear interpolation table, while YASim uses a custom interpolation

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

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