On Saturday 01 June 2002 11:43 am, Michael Basler wrote:
> Dear developers,
> I received the June issue of FlightXPress, a German language (actually THE
> German language) language journal on Flight simulation
> (http://www.flightxpress.de/) today.


> Unfortunately the review on FG as such is negative. This are the main
> points:
> - Old-fashioned overall appearance (4 screenshots delivered, including KSFO
> + C172 panel), not to be compared with state-of-the art simulators
> - Very few functions compared to other simulators

Or perhaps just not as easily accessable?

> - Cockpits "from yesterday"
> - Some good 3D effects (sunset...)
> - Bad flight characteristics (sometimes planes react too sensitive,
> sometimes too sluggish), much worse than X-Plane
> - comparatively good frame rates
> - Weather + Scenery disappointing

Considering SuSE FGFS blurb says you can fly through a thunderstorm
and see lightning and other weather effects thats not a surprise.

> To be fair, they refer to the project as being free, open-source, multi
> platform and sketch the way development is done.
> Their summary: FlightGear is for a minority of technically advanced simmers
> who are prepared to go into programming only, but not for the normal
> simmer.
> Please: So far this was only a quotation. Don't beat me for it!
> To add my personal impression as a user: First, I thought it was a bit
> unfair to compare a project run by a handful of enthusiasts to a commercial
> package produced my several dozens of paid full-time programmers with the
> backing of a company like MS and their ressources. However, I recall a time
> when FlightGear was in some respect quite close to the then recent MSFS
> (and in some respect even better than it). I think this was around 4 years
> ago. It's a matter of fact, that MS has created a real hit with FS2002 on
> the one hand side while we might have lost some momentum.
> This said, we might perhaps be better off re-thinking a few prorities than
> just spitting on the guy who wrote this.
> Okay, now you can beat me.
> Regards, Michael

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