
> Does the magazine ever mention type planes?
> Geek fliers build their planes.  ;-)


> about flight dynamics in the review?

> ..I'm curious; this magazine reviews other sims flight dynamics,
> did they miss all our FDM's?

It's a 1 page review including 4 screen shots. There are no details on
flight dynamics. The author does not even mention/compare different FDMs.

> ..this is Micaels opinion, or the magazine review guy
> talking german and translated into english by Michael?

It's my (of course poor) translation. The magazine is German language
(actually Austria based).

> about getting the text available?  German is ok.

I don't want to put a recent article online as it's a commercial magazine.
But I would be willing to scan and send it to everyone interested via PM.
Those interested just mail me (you're counted already). Unfortunately I lack
time for translating it in full.

Sincerely, Michael

        Michael Basler, Jena, Germany
                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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