As a result of playing with with routes / flight plans, one thing I
forsee in the future is driving navigation instruments from a non-radio
source (i.e something like the NAV / GPS toggle which I'm led to believe
is common in many GA craft with a GPS fitted).

Now, the problem is that such systems (as far as I can tell) expect to
drive a CDI bar on the HSI based on distance (in nm) off course. So, I
have two problems:

- we don't have an HSI. I'm pretty sure I could knock something up, but
perhaps someone with some actual artistic talent ought to have a go.
Bonus points if it supports multiple sources (eg VOR + ADF or 2 VORs),
or an integrated glide slope display. Mechanical or digital, either is
fine with me. As I said, I don't think there's anyespecial problem
building such a thing with the current layers model in the panel (except
that the HSI gauge will be more complex than usual), I just don't have
much experience doing such a thing.

- I'm not clear how to generate (in radiostack.cxx) the course deviation
in nm based on the VOR signal. How is this done in real life (google
didn't turn up any useful docs)?

I can imagine a way to calculate the distance off course *if* the VOR
has DME co-located, since you use the heading deviation (which is what
the current code deals with, and the current gauges display), and then
do some trig to find the distance deviation. But this doesn't seem
'right', unless HSIs are a lot more complex than I thought (and they
used to be mechanical, I'm pretty sure)


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