On Fri, 2002-06-07 at 23:45, Norman Vine wrote:

> crosstrack error on a 'spherical earth' was computed in 'some' 
> navigation instruments long before 'digital' computers were used
> in these devices.  
> < trig values for an angle can be determined from an 'analog' device 
>   and the rest is just 'gearing' ( think circular sliderule ) >
> Don't know if any of these were ever used in aircraft though
I think the answer is 'probably' because big old jets (707s, VC10s, DC8s
.. and, come to think of it, maybe even 747s prior to the -400) have
fearsomely complicated mechanical HSIs, and this seems like a
likely thing to do.

Anyway, I'll stop speculating, and get back to implementing code ... we
can resume the speculation once I have a CDI / heading output to drive
something with :-)


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