On Tuesday, June 25, 2002, at 01:31  am, Andy Ross wrote:

> Jonathan Polley wrote:
>> I cannot redirect stderr via 'command 2> file' on my Mac, so the easy
>> solution was out.  I did find that the following command works:
> Rubbish.  Sure you can.  You just have to run a real shell.  :)
> Seriously, I'd be shocked beyond measure if bash didn't build and
> install just fine on OS X.  Use it, it's vastly better than csh.
Actually, it's even easier. Install Fink, and select the bash package. 
Oh, and change your shell selection from 'csh' to /sw/bin/bash in 
Terminal.app 's preferences. The idea that anyone doing development 
under OS-X would *not* have Fink installed doesn't bear thinking 
about :-)

[note for non-mac people: Fink is a Unix ports tree for OS-X, which uses 
apt / dselect as the packaging and distribution system]
Goodbye csh!

Rumor has it that Apple desperately wants to switch to bash as the 
default shell for 10.2, it seems very few people out there enjoy using 
csh :-)

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