I lied again:
> The perl scripts that generated the ball are attached.  The ball.pl
> script spits out the .ac file, while balltex.pl generates the texture
> Postscript in a very similar manner to the gauge stuff I posted
> earlier.  Pass it an argument of north/south/east/west/top/bottom to
> tell it which texture to generate.



Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.nextbus.com
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

# Output gadget
sub ac { print join("\n", @_), "\n"; }

# Axis contstants.
my ($X, $Y, $Z) = (1, 2, 3);

# How big?
my $RADIUS = 0.075; # grapefruit

# How many squares across is a face?
my $N = 4;

# Base coordinates.  These should really be done differently.  A
# better mechanism would be to arrive at each point as the center of
# two "parents" rather than assuming linearity over the square.
my @XCOORDS = ();
my @YCOORDS = ();
for(my $i=0; $i<=$N; $i++) {
    $XCOORDS[$i] = 2 * $i/$N - 1;
    $YCOORDS[$i] = 2 * $i/$N - 1;

# Initialize the "P" array of points for a cube face in a single
# coordinate system.  We'll get the others by swapping and inverting axes.
my @P = ();
for(my $i=0; $i<=$N; $i++) {
    for(my $j=0; $j<=$N; $j++) {
        my $x = $XCOORDS[$j];
        my $y = $YCOORDS[$i];
        my $z = 1;

        my $norm = $RADIUS/sqrt($x*$x + $y*$y + $z*$z);
        $x *= $norm;
        $y *= $norm;
        $z *= $norm;

        $P[$i]->[$j] = [$x, $y, $z];

ac "AC3Db";
ac 'MATERIAL "BallSurface" rgb 1 1 1  amb 0.2 0.2 0.2  emis 0 0 0  spec 0.5 0.5 0.5  
shi 10  trans 0';
ac "OBJECT world";

# The directions specified are the directions displayed *on* the
# faces, not the directions of the faces from the center of the cube
# (that is, the south-facing cube face says "north".
ac "kids 6";
doface("north",  $Y,  $Z,  $X);
doface("south", -$Y,  $Z, -$X);
doface("east",   $X,  $Z, -$Y);
doface("west",  -$X,  $Z,  $Y);
doface("top",     $Y, -$X,  $Z);
doface("bottom",   $Y,  $X, -$Z);


sub sgn { shift() < 0 ? -1 : 1 }

sub doface {
    my $name = shift;
    my $xidx = shift;
    my $yidx = shift;
    my $zidx = shift;
    # Extract the signs and correct the indices
    my $xsgn = sgn($xidx); $xidx = abs($xidx);
    my $ysgn = sgn($yidx); $yidx = abs($yidx);
    my $zsgn = sgn($zidx); $zidx = abs($zidx);

    my @idxtmp = ();
    $idxtmp[$xidx] = $xsgn * 1;
    $idxtmp[$yidx] = $ysgn * 2;
    $idxtmp[$zidx] = $zsgn * 3;
    $xidx = $idxtmp[1];
    $yidx = $idxtmp[2];
    $zidx = $idxtmp[3];
    $xsgn = sgn($xidx); $xidx = abs($xidx) - 1;
    $ysgn = sgn($yidx); $yidx = abs($yidx) - 1;
    $zsgn = sgn($zidx); $zidx = abs($zidx) - 1;

    # Object header
    ac "OBJECT poly";
    ac "name \"$name\"";
    ac "texture \"$name.rgb\"";

    # Print out the vertex list
    my $numvert = ($N+1)*($N+1);
    ac "numvert $numvert";
    for(my $i=0; $i<=$N; $i++) {
        for(my $j=0; $j<=$N; $j++) {
            my $p = $P[$i]->[$j];
            my $x = $xsgn * $p->[$xidx];
            my $y = $ysgn * $p->[$yidx];
            my $z = $zsgn * $p->[$zidx];

            # Final complication: plib's AC3D loader munges the axes.
            ac sprintf("%.4f %.4f %.4f", $x, $z, -$y);

    # And now a triangle list.  This is identical across faces.
    # The vertex indices go left to right, then bottom to top:
    # 12 13 14 15
    #  8  9 10 11
    #  4  5  6  7
    #  0  1  2  3
    my $numsurf = 2*$N*$N;
    ac "numsurf $numsurf";
    for(my $i=0; $i<$N; $i++) {
        for(my $j=0; $j<$N; $j++) {
            # Vertex indices (bottom/top, left/right)
            my $bl = ($N+1)*$i + $j;
            my $br = ($N+1)*$i + ($j+1);
            my $tl = ($N+1)*($i+1) + $j;
            my $tr = ($N+1)*($i+1) + ($j+1);

            # Texture coordinates
            my $texb = sprintf "%.3f", $i / $N;
            my $text = sprintf "%.3f", ($i+1) / $N;
            my $texl = sprintf "%.3f", $j / $N;
            my $texr = sprintf "%.3f", ($j+1) / $N;

            if($i+$j & 0x01) {
                # Bottom right triangle
                ac "SURF 0x10";
                ac "mat 0";
                ac "refs 3";
                ac "$bl $texl $texb";
                ac "$br $texr $texb";
                ac "$tr $texr $text";
                # Top left triangle
                ac "SURF 0x10";
                ac "mat 0";
                ac "refs 3";
                ac "$tr $texr $text";
                ac "$tl $texl $text";
                ac "$bl $texl $texb";
            } else {
                # Bottom left triangle
                ac "SURF 0x10";
                ac "mat 0";
                ac "refs 3";
                ac "$tl $texl $text";
                ac "$bl $texl $texb";
                ac "$br $texr $texb";
                # Top right triangle
                ac "SURF 0x10";
                ac "mat 0";
                ac "refs 3";
                ac "$br $texr $texb";
                ac "$tr $texr $text";
                ac "$tl $texl $text";
    ac "kids 0";

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

# Contstants
my ($X, $Y, $Z) = (1, 2, 3);
my $DEG2RAD = 3.14159265358979323846/180;

# This is the "out" axis for a given face, based on the X/Y/Z
# constants.  Negative means what you think it does.
my $arg = shift or die "NO FACE ARGUMENT SPECIFIED";
my $FACE;
if   ($arg eq "north")  { $FACE =  $X; }
elsif($arg eq "south")  { $FACE = -$X; }
elsif($arg eq "east")   { $FACE = -$Y; }
elsif($arg eq "west")   { $FACE =  $Y; }
elsif($arg eq "top")    { $FACE =  $Z; }
elsif($arg eq "bottom") { $FACE = -$Z; }
else { die "BAD FACE ARGUMENT"; }



# Gadgets
sub ps { print((join " ", @_), "\n"); }
sub darkcolor { ps "0.15 0.15 0.15 setrgbcolor"; }
sub lightcolor { ps "0.7 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor"; }
sub max { $_[0] > $_[1] ? $_[0] : $_[1] }

# Converts a lat/lon coordinate into a 2D X/Y coordinate in the
# current face, as defined by FACE.  May return undef for points
# that are not projectable onto the current face.
sub latlon2face {
    my ($lat, $lon) = @_;
    $lat *= $DEG2RAD;
    $lon *= $DEG2RAD;
    my @p = (cos($lon) * cos($lat),
             -sin($lon) * cos($lat),

    # There is no valid projection for points on the other side of the
    # globe.  We have to special case this to prevent them from being
    # "mirrored" onto this side.
    my $faceCoord = $p[abs($FACE) - 1];
    if($faceCoord == 0 or $faceCoord * $FACE < 0) { return undef; }

    my ($tx, $ty);
    if($FACE ==  $X) { $tx =  $p[1]; $ty =  $p[2]; }
    if($FACE == -$X) { $tx = -$p[1]; $ty =  $p[2]; }
    if($FACE ==  $Y) { $tx = -$p[0]; $ty =  $p[2]; }
    if($FACE == -$Y) { $tx =  $p[0]; $ty =  $p[2]; }
    if($FACE ==  $Z) { $tx =  $p[1]; $ty = -$p[0]; }
    if($FACE == -$Z) { $tx =  $p[1]; $ty =  $p[0]; }

    my $norm = 1/abs($faceCoord);
    $tx *= $norm;
    $ty *= $norm;

    return [$tx, $ty];

# Draws a great-circle arc on the current face in lat/lon space.
sub drawarc {
    my ($lat0, $lon0, $lat1, $lon1) = @_;

    # Pick a number of subdivisions to get at most 1/2 degree line
    # segments.
    my $dist = max(abs($lat1 - $lat0), abs($lon1 - $lon0));
    my $n = int($dist * 2 + 0.99);
    # Generate a list of vertices in "face space"
    my @verts = ();
    for(my $i=0; $i<=$n; $i++) {
        my $frac = $i/$n;
        my $lat = $lat0 + $frac * ($lat1 - $lat0);
        my $lon = $lon0 + $frac * ($lon1 - $lon0);
        push @verts, latlon2face($lat, $lon);

    # Draw the line segments that make sense

# Draws a latitude-aligned (i.e. *not* great circle) arc centered at
# the specified point.  The width is in absolute degrees.
sub drawtic {
    my ($lat, $lon, $wid) = @_;
    my $n = int(2 * $wid + 0.99);
    my @verts = ();
    my $wfactor = 1/cos($lat*$DEG2RAD);
    for(my $i=0; $i<=$n; $i++) {
        my $frac = $i/$n - 0.5;
        push @verts, latlon2face($lat, $frac * $wid * $wfactor + $lon);

# Takes a list of points (as returned by latlon2face) and draws them.
# The list may legally include points not inside the face, or
# undefined points.
sub drawverts {
    for(my $i=1; $i<@_; $i++) {
        my $a = $_[$i-1];
        my $b = $_[$i];
        next if ! defined $a;
        next if ! defined $b;
        if(inside($a) or inside($b)) {
            my ($ax, $ay) = @$a;
            my ($bx, $by) = @$b;
            ps "newpath $ax $ay moveto $bx $by lineto stroke";

# Returns true if the point lies inside the valid face area (the
# square from [-1:1])
sub inside {
    my ($x, $y) = @{$_[0]};
    if($x < -1.01 or $x > 1.01) { return 0; }
    if($y < -1.01 or $y > 1.01) { return 0; }
    return 1;

# Initializes the Postscript state and draws the background colors
sub initface {
    # Get to where we want.  Draw the whole thing in a 1 inch square at
    # the bottom left of the "page".
    ps "36 36 scale";
    ps "1 1 translate";

    # Fill with sky
    ps "-1 -1 moveto";
    ps "-1 1 lineto 1 1 lineto 1 -1 lineto";
    ps "closepath";
    ps "fill";

    # Draw the ground
    if($FACE == -$Z) {
        # bottom
        ps "-1 -1 moveto";
        ps "-1 1 lineto 1 1 lineto 1 -1 lineto";
        ps "closepath";
        ps "fill";
    } elsif($FACE != $Z) {
        # north/south/east/west
        ps "-1 -1 moveto";
        ps "-1 0 lineto 1 0 lineto 1 -1 lineto";
        ps "closepath";
        ps "fill";

sub putletter {
    my ($c, $lat, $lon, $hgt, $wid) = @_;
    my $loc = latlon2face($lat, $lon);
    return if ! defined $loc;
    return if ! inside $loc;
    my ($x, $y) = @$loc;
    $wid *= $hgt;
    $x -= $wid/2;
    ps "/Helvetica-Bold findfont $hgt scalefont setfont";
    ps "newpath $x $y moveto";
    ps $x, $y+$hgt, "lineto";
    ps $x+$wid, $y+$hgt, "lineto";
    ps $x+$wid, $y, "lineto";
    ps "closepath fill";
    ps "$x $y moveto";
    ps "($c) show";

sub drawglobe {
    ps "0.015 setlinewidth";
    for(my $lon=0; $lon<360; $lon+=30) {
        # Big vertical guide lines
        my $top = ($lon % 90 == 0) ? 85 : 60;
        drawarc($top, $lon, 0, $lon);
        drawarc(-$top, $lon, 0, $lon);

        # A big tic at 45 degrees
        drawtic(45, $lon, 15.9);
        drawtic(-45, $lon, 15.9);

        # 10 degree ticks
        for(my $lat=10; $lat<=80; $lat+=10) {
            my $wid = 22.5;
            if($lat % 30 == 0) { $wid *= sin(30*$DEG2RAD); }
            else               { $wid *= sin(10*$DEG2RAD); }
            drawtic($lat, $lon, $wid);
            drawtic(-$lat, $lon, $wid);

    # Note hand-collected font metrics.  Eeew.
    putletter("N", 1, 0,   0.2, 0.722);
    putletter("S", 1, 180, 0.2, 0.667);
    putletter("E", 1, 270,  0.2, 0.667);
    putletter("W", 1, 90, 0.2, 0.944);

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