Curtis L. Olson writes:
> Melchior FRANZ writes:
> > [glowing c172]
> > * David Megginson -- Sunday 21 July 2002 16:31:
> > > For reasons unknown, the effect is different depending on whether
> > > you're inside or outside the plane.
> > 
> > To spread even more confusion: The same day I noticed the glowing
> > c172, all fog was gone for me and my outdated tdfx V3. This happens
> > for all FDMs and models except the UFO and both yasim's and uiuc's
> > 747!
> Do we know what day that was, or what major things were changed that
> day?  This could be some weird opengl state management problem
> introduced by one of our modules ... I hope not because these can be
> among the toughest problems to debug, but it would be good to know
> when this was introduced.  I don't think any GeForce users are having
> fog problems though.

Some more thoughts ...

Could anyone pull an earlier version of the C172 3d model out of CVS
to see if the problem was a change in the 3d model or a change in the
source code?

The 3d aircraft drawing code changes the near/far clip planes which
could account for why you have lost your fog.  I seem to remember this
as a being a bug in the mesa/3dfx driver.  (i.e. the fog tables are
calculated for a specific near/far clip and if you change the clip
planes, the fog tables aren't updated and you get weird results.)
This isn't a big deal if you nudge the clip planes a bit, but could be
a very big deal if they are changed radically.

We could be looking at two separate problems here ...


Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program       FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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