> What does it take to build the scenery?  I have a dual Athlon 1.2 Ghz
> Machine with lots of disk space and a Netra T1 (Sun Box)
> available to build
> scenery.  Is there a guide on how to do this somewhere??
> Ryan

If you are talking about buildings, see the response David Megginson made
to my post:

--- cut here ---


Jon S Berndt writes:

 > Can you explain:
 > 1) Which tools would one make these with?
 > 2) What format should they be saved in?
 > 3) What guidelines should be followed regarding
 > complexity, textures, etc.?

David replied:

1. Tools

For Posix-based operating systems like Linux, the best two candidates
are AC3D and Blender (my preference); under Windows, there are many
more choices, still including Blender and (I think) AC3D.  Blender is
free-as-in-beer, and may be free-as-in-speech soon if they can raise
$100K or so to buy out the NaN shareholders.

2. Format

Plib supports a variety of 3D formats, but AC3D support seems the most
solid (I export my Blender models in AC3D format).  The VRML loader
doesn't seem to handle textures, which is a big pain.

3. Guidelines

For most buildings, I'm trying to keep the polygon count very low --
one quad for a tree, five for a basic building, 9 for a barn, and so
on.  I'm using mostly 64x64 SGI RGB-format textures, with 32x32 for
small things like cows.  Be creative -- most of the time the viewer
will be pretty far away anyway.  For scaling, FlightGear uses the
convention that one unit = one meter.  Try to keep the colours dull
and the design generic (i.e. no adobe churches, cabanas, or maple
sugar shacks).

All the best,


--- cut here ---

If you are talking about scenery other than buildings, I have even less to
offer in the way of answers, but isn't that what TerraGear is for? Maybe
you should visit that site? www.terragear.org?


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