Christian Stock writes:
> I've done a bit of research into terrain modelling (and I'll be doing some 
> more), so some comments:
> To get CLOD working the scenery engine has to revert to regular spaced 
> elevation grids. TIN's are too slow for CLOD terrain (the insert / remove 
> algorithms are the main slowdown, regular spaced grids are usually based on 
> quadtrees which will just work faster). The most recent trend is to use 
> fast insert/remove algorithms that not necessarily minimise the number of 
> polygons. The reason for that is that modern graphics cards (Geforce, 
> Radeon, etc) are capable of rendering > 1,000,000 polys per sec, so older 
> CLOD algorithms like ROAM are too slow.

I have no problem with someon working on a CLOD scenery engine as a
separate parallel scenery subsystem.

> Roads, etc should really be done with decals, or as a second texture layer 
> that get's mapped on top of the first one.

The down side of this is that the quality of your roads are limited by
your texture resolution, and mipmapping can make them completely
invisible if you are viewing a road surface edge on (i.e. at low
altitudes.)  Of course polygon roads have their own trade offs
... there's no perfect way to do this stuff.

> I don't like how M$ solved it in FS2002, I'll look into this at some
> stage, because I'll have to do it for my work anyway, and I'll
> report here on my progress...


Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program       FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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