On Wed, 2002-09-18 at 06:29, David Megginson wrote:
> Tony Peden writes:
>  > I didn't look at everything, but the nose wheel was in NONE and the
>  > mains CASTERED as far back as I looked (which went back to the beginning
>  > of time for the configurable gear).  I can't explain the CASTERED mains,
>  > but I understood what you call steer groups to be brake groups.  It
>  > never occurred to me that that would affect the steering control.
> Here's an excerpt from FGLGear.cpp:
>       case bgNose:
>         SteerGain = -0.50;
>         BrakeFCoeff = rollingFCoeff;
>         break;
>       case bgTail:
>         SteerGain = -0.10;
>         BrakeFCoeff = rollingFCoeff;
>         break;
>       case bgNone:
>         SteerGain = 0.0;
>         BrakeFCoeff = rollingFCoeff;
>         break;

Is there some reasoning behind setting the steering gains according to
the brake selection?  This makes no sense to me.  It looks to me like
their needs to be a separate steering selection (or just specify the
gain in the config file).

> and, a little further down:
>       switch (eSteerType) {
>       case stSteer:
>         SteerAngle = SteerGain*FCS->GetDrPos();
>         break;
> In other words, if gear belongs to bgNone, it gets SteerGain=0.0, so
> SteerAngle is always 0.  Perhaps it's a recent C++ change that caused
> this problem.
> Note a second problem with this code: it uses getDrPos (the actual
> rudder position) and ignores maxSteerAngle from the config file.  A
> better option would probably be
>   SteerAngle = SteerGain*FCS->GetDrCmd()*maxSteerAngle*RADTODEG;

Agreed.  Steering angle should not be a function of rudder position, but
of pedal (or tiller) position.  I tend to think this really ought to be
done as an FCS component.

> It would also be nice to be able to specify SteerGain in the XML
> config file rather than hard-coding it in FGLGear.cpp.


>  > (and maybe it didn't, changing the mains from CASTERED to fixed could
>  > have a significant effect).  I need to experiment with it some more.
> The castoring doesn't make a difference (yet), because FGLGear.cpp
> still treats castoring gear as fixed anyway:
>       case stFixed:
>         SteerAngle = 0.0;
>         break;
>       case stCaster:
> // Note to Jon: This is not correct for castering gear.  I'll fix it later.
>         SteerAngle = 0.0;
>         break;
>  > > * Usable fuel: 
>  > >   38in (c172.xml has 56in)
>  > 
>  > Hmm, I got my numbers from a POH as well.  I'll have to double check.
> That's from the C172R POH.  The C172P POH puts usable fuel at 48in,
> probably because of the different wing shape, but it's still not as
> far as c172.xml.

The 48 in number checks with my copy of the POH (from which many other
numbers have been derived, so we should probably stick with that)

> All the best,
> David
> -- 
> David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.megginson.com/
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Tony Peden
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