I know this is probably opening a can of worms, but I just thought I'd
throw this out to the list now so people could start thinking about
and/or discussing the issues.

Currently SimGear is a set of libraries, each of which is licensed
under the *L*GPL.

FlightGear is also mostly a set of libraries (with some top level
wrapper code) that is entirely GPL'd.

For those that aren't as familiar with the differences between GPL and
LGPL, I will summarize based on my understanding:

- They are essentially the same except that the GPL applies to an
  entire application, where as the LGPL applies only to a specific
  library.  I.e. in a GPL'd application, the entire source code that
  forms that application must also be GPL'd (or at least have a
  compatible license.)  If someone makes a source code change
  (i.e. adds value) and distributes that change, they must distribute
  the new/different source code so everyone else can also benefit.
  All the rights and benifits which you received, you need to afford
  them to everyone else.

- The LGPL is very similar except it works on the granularity of a
  library.  If I add code or make a change to the a particular LGPL'd
  library and distribute it, I need to make the source for those
  changes available.  However, unlike the GPL, an LGPL'd library can
  be linked into a commercial application.  The host application can
  remain commercial.

Plib (which flightgear makes heavy use of is LGPL'd.)  This means we
(an open source project) can use it, and also a commercial application
can use it.  For plib, this is a big benefit because it means more
people can use their code, more people contribute to the code,
etc. etc.  In the long term the code is probably better than it would
have otherwise been.  It might be true that some company is able to
sell a better product because of the efforts of the plib team, but the
hope is that the commercial company will be able to contribute back to
plib, just like any other contributor, and in fact the company would
have paid developers that may be able to contribute larger chunks of
time to plib than a home hobbyist could.

SimGear is also completely LGPL'd.  I'm not aware of any commercial
applications that are currently using it, however at the moment it's
pretty specific to the needs of FlightGear/TerraGear.

What I would like to propose for people's consideration, is the idea
of taking each of FlightGear's component libraries and converting them
to the LGPL license.  The top level wrapper code (i.e. whatever is in
src/Main) would remain GPL.

I'm sure there are some people out there that aren't thrilled with the
GPL and would be happy to see the licensing relaxed a bit more (and
might feel that this is not going far enough.)  There may be other's
who think the GPL is just fine and would rather not make the licensing
more flexible.

- I'd be interested in perspectives and discussion, although I highly
  doubt this would lead to any sort of consensus. :-)

- If we wanted to tweak the licensing terms for the FlightGear
  project, could we?  Who has authority to do this.  If we can get
  most authors/contributors to agree, is that good enough?  Do we need
  approval from 100% of the authors/contributors?  What if someone
  doesn't respond negatively now (i.e. they are on vacation, or just
  don't have time to think about it) and we change the licensing
  terms, but then they come back in a year and make a big issue of it?
  What do we do then?  Would that be a potential problem?

- Personally I'm inclined towards LGPL'ing the FlightGear components
  at some point in the nearer future.  Is there any major opposition
  to doing this?

- The LGPL license means that the code could show up as part of a
  commercial application and benefit them.  However, if they need to
  make any changes or improvements to the library to meet their needs,
  those changes would propogate back into our LGPL code.  It's
  conceivable/likely that if a commercial entity used portions of
  FlightGear's LGPL code, they would be able to contribute back to our

- Worst case scenario ... someone out there is a jerk and tries to
  take advantage of us and our efforts.  My view is that we out
  compete them.  We continue to develop our open-source version so it
  kicks their sorry butts.  If they have customers that are stupid
  enough to buy their old, outdated crap, then what are you going to
  do?  A couple rounds of thorough butt kicking and most people will
  get the idea.  It's not unlike commercial competition where a
  company see's another company's features and hires someone to
  replicate them.  The first company just impliments new and better
  features.  We are open-source so we are all volunteers, but just
  like the commercial world, we still win by being better.

We don't need to make a decision right now, but it would be
interesting to hear people's perspective on whether or not this
LGPL'ing the library portions of FlightGear would be a good thing, and
if so, what sort of consensus or agreement would be required in order
to be able to move forward with a change.


Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program       FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minnesota      http://www.menet.umn.edu/~curt   http://www.flightgear.org

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