* [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Curtis L. Olson) [2002.10.15 15:24]:
> I know this is probably opening a can of worms, but I just thought I'd
> throw this out to the list now so people could start thinking about
> and/or discussing the issues.

Oh, great.  This could turn into the flamewar of the year...  :-)

> What I would like to propose for people's consideration, is the idea
> of taking each of FlightGear's component libraries and converting them
> to the LGPL license.  The top level wrapper code (i.e. whatever is in
> src/Main) would remain GPL.

I would not be opposed to this move.  I think many pieces of FlightGear
could be LGPL'd while leaving the frontend components GPL'd.  I am not
in favor of making everything LGPL'd.

The only problem we run into is having multiple licenses inside of the
FG source tree.  It's confusing to me when I look at a project that does
this.  I always have to make sure I double-check the LICENSE file when I
enter a directory (BTW, I would suggest having a LICENSE file in every
first-level directory in the source tree).

I'll through out another idea while we're discussing it:  Why don't we
move all of the LGPL-wannabe components into SimGear?  Or spawn some
other sister project for "plugins" (can we call them FlyIns? ;-)?

> - If we wanted to tweak the licensing terms for the FlightGear
>   project, could we?  Who has authority to do this.  If we can get
>   most authors/contributors to agree, is that good enough?  Do we need
>   approval from 100% of the authors/contributors?  What if someone
>   doesn't respond negatively now (i.e. they are on vacation, or just
>   don't have time to think about it) and we change the licensing
>   terms, but then they come back in a year and make a big issue of it?
>   What do we do then?  Would that be a potential problem?

I would think you would have to have all contributors sign off.  I don't
now if that's even possible since so many people have contributed over
the years, but I still think it is the only fair way to go it.  I think
we should try to diligently contact everyone who has contributed to FG
and have them approve the change.  If there are some people we can't get
ahold of, assume there is a small risk of them coming out of the
woodwork but proceed anyway.

> - Personally I'm inclined towards LGPL'ing the FlightGear components
>   at some point in the nearer future.  Is there any major opposition
>   to doing this?

Not from me.  I'm a fringe player, so I would be fine with going LGPL.
I don't know that I would support a more liberal license though.
Cameron Moore
[ Shouldn't we refer to Bigfoot as "Bigfeet"? ]

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