Alex Perry wrote:
> I don't see a real benefit of changing FGFS from GPL to LGPL ...
> * The people who don't like GPL probably aren't much happier about LGPL
> * They (or we) can add a shared-memory tunnel in SimGear for properties
> * Most proprietary extensions can simply coexist as separate programs

I'm inclined to agree.  The only real purpose behind the LGPL is to
special case the situation of GNU versions of "system" libraries.
Applying the GPL strictly to libraries like libc or libstdc++ means
that proprietary software can't be run on free operating systems,
since the act of linkage makes them a "derived work" according to the
license.  That's silly, so there's a special-purpose variant of the
license that allows linkage (but *only* linkage) of proprietary code.

The LGPL has since become popular for library projects that are
designed to become standards, or at least widely shared.  Projects
like plib and SDL use it for that reason -- to keep development open
while encouraging use of the library by anyone.

FlightGear doesn't really fall into either category, since it's a
one-of-a-kind codebase that is used only by other GPLed software.  It
strikes me that putting, say, the scenery engine under the LGPL isn't
likely to encourage anyone to use it as the "standard" scenery engine
for anything.  Users who want the code are likely going to want to
hack at it for their own purposes, which the LGPL forbids.

Is there a use case here, or a particular proprietary application you
have in mind?  It might be simpler to do a custom release to that
vendor under a separate license, rather than play with the license for
the whole project.  The LGPL is a little problematic for most
proprietary users.  They aren't, contrary to common belief, allowed to
use the library any way they want.  They have to link expressly
against the library as shipped (no cutting and pasting of code), and
have to ensure that future users can relink against newer versions of
the library if they want (no static linkage, essentially).


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

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