First things first ... very impressive work, congratulations !!!

Then ... I tried your 0.8.0 binary distribution on a AMD Athlon/1333 with
384MB RAM and GeForce2 PRO/32MB machine running Win98SE/Polish.
Here is a brief "report" ...

The "fgfs.exe" runs well (on a couple of occasions the sound stopped, and I
had to "kill" it twice yesterday, however).
Both the "fgjs.exe" and the "js_demo.exe" die immediately after I try to
run them (some kind of a "general protection error" + "registers dump").
The "gl-info.exe" refuses to start with a note that "cygwin" dll is
missing (which is correct, I do not have "cygwin" installed - the manual
does not require it for the binary win32 distribution).

I have two USB Logitech WingMan RumblePads connected.
They were not recognized by default.
I would like to ask the one who is responsible for :
to add the following line into it :
        <name>Logitech WingMan RumblePad USB</name>
(The recent RumblePad driver seems to define the name this way.)

There are two problems with the joystick.
First, there are two vertical "bars/arrows" in the cockpit for the
"elevators", but only the "right" one is following the joystick (the
"left" one always stays in the middle) - however, if I "view" the plane
from "outside" I can see that both (left and right) are moving up/down.
Second - both the "aileron" and "elevator" quite often misbehave - what I
observe is that when I move them then appropriate "bars/arrows" are also
moving, but every now and then the "bars/arrows" suddenly jump to the
"neutral" position (and so they quite often jump between the
"actual" joystick position and the "neutral" position). This can also be
seen when I "view" the plane from "outside" - indeed "ailerons" and
"elevators" are jumping - this makes the steering quite difficult.
I monitored the joystick with an external utility and this utility does
not show such problems, so it must be the "software".
I did not observe such problems with the "rudder", but ... maybe it is
just the "lack of experience".

There is also another "annoying" problem. Basically, the FGFS runs very
smoothly on my machine except that every now and then (I don't have my
machine at hand now, but let's say it is about every 30 seconds) it
"stops" for a moment - I can see that in these moments there are always a
couple of lines written on the "terminal window" - among them there is
"... recalculating the sun position ...".

Best regards,
P.S. Note that I'm not subscribed ... . Jacek.

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