On Thu, 24 Oct 2002 09:30:29 -0700
 Andy Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Richard Bytheway wrote:
We really ought to sort out the ability to disable *any* console
output after initialisation on Windows...
Is it maybe time to revisit the priority of most of the log messages?
I mean, the vast majority of these things are debugging output for
code that is mature and stable. Even most developers don't care about tile cache behavior anymore.
I agree with this. At the least, we ought to have different levels of output for the released binaries on the web site - those who download the binaries are (I would think) users who could care less about the console output - and indeed might find it confusing. The default there should be for less console output. Also, I feel that some things such as the solution and landing reports are generally useful and of interest, but perhaps they could be made optional as well. For instance the user, after landing, requests a landing report from a "Reports" menu. The information can be passed up into FlightGear easily enough from JSBSim, at least.


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