On 10 Dec 2002 15:18:48 -0800
 Tony Peden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I don't know ... it sound like you are really starting to stack up the failures.
I don't know ... I was thinking the other day: what if the pilot was pouring a can of Coke into a cup on the flight deck and dropped the can and it rolled under the pedals and he set his cup down and reached down to pick up the can but knocked the yoke which rolled the plane and made him push his foot forward and the can got stuck under the pedals with the rudder all the way over and the partial cup of Coke was knocked over into some electrical stuff and shorted it out and killed all the engines on one side and the stewardess fell onto the pilot so he couldn't see and then ...

Geez, I'm not flying anymore.


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