Gene Buckle wrote:
> My thought is that a real-time "model wrench" might make it easier for
> people to develop or improve aircraft models.
> I imagine it would save a _lot_ of time if the "edit parameter file,
> run fgfs, test, re-edit" cycle could be reduced to "run fgfs, tweak
> in-flight, dump new parameter file".

Ah, got it.  Actually, that feature could be expressed as simply as
"make YASim load its configuration out of the property tree like
everything else does".  Then you'd just change the properties using
whatever interface you want and select "reset" from the menu.

This is definitely the way it should work.  I've been slow to do it
only out of laziness.  Re-writing the existing aircraft definitions in
"property XML" would be a pain.

You're right, the N second pause for the solver would be just fine for
this application.  I was thinking you wanted to do something like
variable-camber wings or whatnot and needed realtime control over
things that are currently constants to the solver.

Although it's worth pointing out that the command line "yasim" program
goes a long way toward reducing the tedium involved with getting an
aircraft in the air.  Most of the big configuration bugs can be found
and fixed before you ever run fgfs, although admittedly interpreting
the solution report takes a little practice.


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

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