Norman Vine wrote:
> > 
> >  > We really need a dictionary of the 'known' property 'nouns',
> >  > 'verbs', 'adjectives' and 'adverbs' and *require* that this list is
> >  > updated before a new 'word' is introduced into the XML.> 
> Here is what I gleaned from your listing of the commands towards this end
> a property has the following methods
>    assign      < this, < value or 'other' > >
>    toggle       < this >  'will create non existing property if necessary < 
>constructor >'
>    swap        < this, other >
>    adjust       < this, step, offset, factor, min, max, mask, wrap >
>    multiply   < this, factor, min, max, mask, wrap >
>    scale        < this, setting, offset, factor >

For documentation purposes
following are now affected by the presence of a 'resolution' tag also

adjust       < this, step, offset, factor, min, max, mask, wrap > 
multiply   < this, factor, min, max, mask, wrap >


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