David Megginson writes:
> Norman Vine writes:
>  > I think that what we are really trying to say is
>  > 
>  > class SomeSystem : public FGSubsystem
>  > {
>  > .....
>  > private:
>  > 
>  >     FGProperty*  _serviceable;
>  >     FGProperty*  _rpm;
>  >     FGProperty*  _pressure;
>  >     FGProperty*  _suction;
>  > };
> Not if this means what I think it means.  Right now we're using the
> very common Command design pattern to represent actions that can be
> initiated by the user; in contrast, I think that you're talking about
> a class something like
>   class FGProperty
>   {
>   public:
>     void adjust (...);
>     void multiply (...);
>     void assign (...);
>     // etc.
>   private:
>     SGPropertyNode_ptr _node;
>   }

Actually I was thinking about writing self documenting code
ie something like

// virtual base class
class FGProperty : public SGPropertyNode  {
  FGProperty () = 0 ;

// type specific derived classes for each property 'type'
class FGInt : public FGProperty {
class FGBool public FGProperty;
class FGDouble public FGProperty;
class FGString public FGProperty;

 class SomeSystem : public FGSubsystem
    FGBool*       _serviceable;
    FGDouble*  _rpm;
    FGDouble*  _pressure;
    FGDouble*  _suction;

SomeSystem::init ()
    _serviceable = new FGBool("/systems/something[0]/serviceable", true);
    _rpm                = new FGDouble("/engines/engine[0]/rpm", true);
    _pressure      = new FGDouble("/environment/pressure-inhg", true);
    _suction          = new FGDouble("/systems/something[0]/suction-inhg", true);

This way we can have Dr Pangloss's best of both worlds
ie Abstract properties and a data structure where the
intent is discernable by casual inspection and standard
'C' programming tools can be used for documentation



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