Jon Berndt writes:
> > I think we should look closely on their conclusion in their reflection:
> >
> > ****
> > In conclusion, the FlightGear flight simulator is a very nice flight sim
> > package that offers great features (for free), but very poor
> > extensibility with very few user-friendly tools and source code that is
> > geared towards a particular operating system (Linux) instead of being
> > truly cross-platform. For the purposes of modifying FlightGear for other
> > types of simulations or for virtual prototyping, I recommend choosing a
> > different software package.
> > ****
> >
> > CU,
> > Christian
> Hmm. I didn't see this. Right away I wonder about two things:
> 1) Their motivations.
> 2) Their true qualifications that might lend credibility to their
> conclusions.

3) Their past experiences with other software which might color their
   future expectations.  (I get the impression that if there isn't an
   easy to use gui based tool to do something, we automatically get
   poor marks in that area.)  That may be fair criticism, or not,
   depending on where you are coming from.

> Funny, I sort of feel that I've had better experience trying to run
> FlightGear on Windows. I'll have to look closer at their web page. Maybe.
> Doesn't sound like they offer much in the way of objective analysis. Do
> these guys have any idea what FlightGear is being used for?

Right, I don't want to be too critical ... they are certainly entitled
to form an opinion based on their experiences.  They also may be
giving us poor marks in the area of cross-platform portability for not
doing everything natively on every platform ... there again, that may
be fair criticism or not depending on where you are coming from.

They say some nice things in there too, and we need to stand up and
take our criticism like adults, they clearly spent quite a bit of time
investigating FlightGear ...


Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program       FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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