Curt wrote:

> Right, I don't want to be too critical ... they are certainly entitled
> to form an opinion based on their experiences.  They also may be
> giving us poor marks in the area of cross-platform portability for not
> doing everything natively on every platform ... there again, that may
> be fair criticism or not depending on where you are coming from.
> They say some nice things in there too, and we need to stand up and
> take our criticism like adults, they clearly spent quite a bit of time
> investigating FlightGear ...

I agree, of course, but a high amount of time spent trying to write a
quality piece doesn't always *result* in a quality piece. We've been
critiqued before, and when it is done competently it is a great help.
However, their final remarks led me to believe they wanted something
handed to them and didn't expect to actually get their hands dirty, and
also that they didn't look very closely at what others have done with
FlightGear - even though that information is linked from the home page.


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