On Sun, 2003-01-05 at 21:02, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> On Sun, 5 Jan 2003 19:18:26 -0600, 
> "Curtis L. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> > They say some nice things in there too, and we need to stand up and
> >  take our criticism like adults, they clearly spent quite a bit of
> >  time investigating FlightGear ...
> ..I'll ask and cc here, look for "http://www.dlsproductions.com/fg/"; 
> in the "Subject: " header.

You're all taking this rather well, as far as I can tell...

Thanks to Star Office 6 I was able to go through the slides, but most of
it is repeated on the web site anyway. I am sure Open Office will have
little problem opening it too.

"Overall the system structure and coding is poor - and reflects the
checkered and disrupted development history"

I think they need to get the CVS version...But, they have not had
complete access to commercial designs it seems, similer things happen
there (case in point, Duke Nuke'm Forever).

"Documentation is poor and in many cases non-existent."

What documentation are they referring to exactly?

"Any significant system changes or adaptations require C++ and Unix

Not sure I understand this? Did they have to install a new kernel or new

"Adapting the system for more general use (e.g. multi-user/network
simulation would be difficult and would require major rewrite."

Really? How is multiplot working? They are looking for a comparison to
MSFS 2002 imho.

"Strongly linked to the Unix/C++ development environment - limits
broader appeal."

Thought it was one standard still used quite a bit Unix/C++ makes a
powerful environment.

"The system is difficult to work with due to the lack of a
maintenance/management front-end. Tasks like adding and animating
aircraft models; adding scenery etc. are difficult and fiddly."

May have a point there at this time, however I am not holding this
against FG as its still beta...Actually they made no point of its beta
status. Its been left with one positive slide and one negative, should
have ended with an errata.

Personal thoughts:

Where is that Hurricane? Looks like a potentially good model.

Perhaps they should have waited until version 1.0 of Flight Gear came
out and waited for a binary...

Matthew Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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