> That sounds like a very good idea, especially since JSBSim tends to
> use the FG* prefix in its classes, just like FlightGear does.  Why
> don't we update JSBSim in FlightGear as soon as the whole thing is
> moved into the jsbsim Namespace and tested.

I got Bernie's code (Thanks Bernie). What is currently in CVS works - I
have tested it with FlightGear using the C172, and in standalone mode
using some test scripts. The JSBSim code currently in JSBSim CVS has only
FGCondition scoped in the JSBSim namespace. You can use this and play with
it if you like in FlightGear (need to modify Makefile.am in filtersjb/ to
add FGCondition.cpp|h). I intend to look closely at Bernies mods with an
eye towards namespacing all of JSBSim.

The takeoff report is nice, as it lists the takeoff run distance and the
distance to clear a 50' object. This ought to be helpful in validating our


Coordinator, JSBSim Project

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