> Understood it is not on purpose but it is this 'assumption'
> that is the problem
> i.e.  the code as written assumes FGEnvironmentMgr
> which is not included when the --with-weathercm option
> is configured
> // fgMainInit()
>     // TODO: move to environment mgr
>     thesky = new SGSky;
>     SGPath texture_path(globals->get_fg_root());
>     texture_path.append("Textures");
>     texture_path.append("Sky");
>     for (int i = 0; i < FGEnvironmentMgr::MAX_CLOUD_LAYERS; i++) {
>         SGCloudLayer * layer = new SGCloudLayer(texture_path.str());
>         thesky->add_cloud_layer(layer);
>     }
Jupp, that's the exact error I got with enabled weathercm option.

main.cxx: In function `bool fgMainInit(int, char **)':
main.cxx:1689: incomplete type `FGEnvironmentMgr' does not have member 


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