Andy Ross writes:

 > Actually, that sounds pretty good to me.  Doing "realistic" turbulence
 > models near the ground is essentially impossible, for all the same
 > reasons that doing realtime fluid dynamics doesn't work.
 > The only augmentation I can think about is that you might consider
 > fading out only the turbulence component perpendicular to the ground.
 > Horizontal turbulence (wind gusts) can and does happen in reality.

Sounds good -- I was hoping to provoke Jon into doing something like
that.  Note that we do also model horizonal wind gusts (of longer
duration) through FGEnvironment.

As long as I have you on the line, Andy, how hard would it be for you
to adapt the FGAtmosphere::Turbulence() function (in
src/FDM/JSBSim/FGAtmosphere.cpp) for YASim?  Currently, in JSBSim.cxx,
I'm deriving the turbulence gain from the /environment/turbulence-norm
property like this:

      Atmosphere->SetTurbGain(turbulence->getDoubleValue() *
                              turbulence->getDoubleValue() *

Squaring the normalized value seems to give a more intuitive range of
turbulence.  I'm guessing that this would be a 1-hour job for you, or
less; it would be a fair bit more for me simply because I'm less
familiar with the YASim code.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

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