Erik Hofman writes:

 > How come whenever I release an aircraft for JSBSim, a few weeks later I 
 > see an anouncement on that this type of aircraft will be 
 > available to MSFS with a realistic flight model?
 > It happened with the F-16, it happened with the F-104 and it will happen 
 > with the F-15 also!
 > Oh well, maybe I'm just paranoid.

At least one MSFS designer reads these lists and has been in touch
with me about the 310 model (which I designed).  I don't consider that
a problem -- the person I corresponded with, at least, wanted to share
ideas and feed fixes back into our data.  In any case, it's worth
remembering that we take many of our stability numbers from other
people's work (like Roskam's).

I think that an application-independent public database of stability
coefficients would be a worthwhile project in itself.  It would be
useful for FlightGear, XPlane, and MSFS, and we'd end up with a much
bigger pool of contributors.

Hmm.  Maybe I'll start on that.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Flightgear-devel mailing list

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