Erik Hofman writes:

 > > That's why I prefer public domain even to open source -- people spend
 > > way too long worrying about that kind of thing.
 > Now, I would be worried that getting data from other sources and putting 
 > it under the BSD license (which makes it possible to use it in closed 
 > source programs without permission from the original author) might be a 
 > problem for the original authour. Personally I think putting it under 
 > the GPL would be less of a problem to them.

That's pure speculation -- we have no way of knowing what the original
publisher of the data might prefer.  If the original publisher did
maintain IP rights over the raw data, then we would have no right to
put it under any license at all; if not, then the original publisher
has no special rights in the case.

Even the moral obligation of courtesy is a tricky one.  James Clark
used to stipulate that commercial users of his SGML software *not*
mention his name without permission: he was worried that it would look
like he was giving an endorsement.  If a commercial 182 add-on for
MSFS came out with this on the wrapper

  Now with NEW, ACCURATE flight data from JAN ROSKAM!

Roskam might not be pleased either.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Flightgear-devel mailing list

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