Here are some screens from PiGaSos and IceHands:, then we don't need my F-16 drag shute housing pics.  ;-)
Do we have drag shutes modelled?
The 3D model of drag chute is there beside the model. I'm not sure about the phisical model in FlightGear and usabilty.
* Matevz Jekovec -- Wednesday 23 July 2003 12:07:
Ah, I see (although I don't quite remember when did Mandrake or
RedHat include FGFS in their distro:)).
Don't know about Mandrake and RedHat, but SuSE has it since ages

...and Mandrake have/had it in cd3 in mdk-9.0.
Debian had a week after release the latest FGFS v0.9.2 base + binary + source in their apt unstable branch and it worked like a charm (although I just tried it and then compiled from CVS;)).
(or better said: since I asked them to include it in Dec 1998. :-)

No seriously, isn't GPL more strict than his license, so we could 
license his work to at least as GPL (in one paragraph I know it's 
written we have to protect his work from ones who would dare
breaking his terms. GPL includes all his terms plus more, so I think
we could do that without a problem).
This license is utterly GPL incompatible. The GPL does not allow
to impose any more restrictions than defined in the GPL itself.
It =does= for example (implicitly) allow pornographic use, and it
does allow anyone to sell the licensed stuff and make profit. You'd
better ask the copyright holder to relicense his models under the
GPL or forget them.  :-/

..Matevz, tell your friend why the gurus use GPL; their work is 
_much_ better protected, look how Microsoft whined about it being 
"un-American" and was proven wrong, and how they now buys time 
supporting SCO's blackmail suit on IBM to "Enron" SCO stock before 
it too implodes.  Which it will _when_ the Judge asks SCO to make 
the alledged evidence available to the court of law.


Yeah. Intelectual property and licensing is hell nowadays. I'm just happy we have GNU and alternatives to Microsh*t systems and I think I'm not the only one! ;-)
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