Curtis L. Olson writes:

 > They are simply data files.  There's nothing executable in there at
 > all.  As far as I know, MS hasn't added VB script support to
 > .tar.gz files [ yet :-) ] so I can't imagine how they could ever be
 > infected with anything.
 > I'm guessing this has to be a false positive ...

I hate virus checkers with a passion only slightly less than the
passion with which I hate a certain e-mail program that I won't name
again.  While the initial fault lay with the e-mail program, it was
all the false virus-warning e-mail messages from that idiotic software
that finally physically shut down my account.

I imagine that they have a catch-all rule, along the lines of 

  If it's not text, and it's not a binary format I recognize, then
  it's a virus.

All the best,


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