> I hate virus checkers with a passion only slightly less than the
> passion with which I hate a certain e-mail program that I won't name
> again.  While the initial fault lay with the e-mail program, it was
> all the false virus-warning e-mail messages from that idiotic software
> that finally physically shut down my account.
> I imagine that they have a catch-all rule, along the lines of
>   If it's not text, and it's not a binary format I recognize, then
>   it's a virus.

For idiotic software, it would be hard to beat the email filter that a certain
well-known bank installed several years ago. One of the bank employees was on a
flight sim mailing list, and when an email come to him from the list containing
the phrase "you should have seen the b*ggers", the program intercepted the email
and sent a message back to the list saying "Your email has been rejected because
it contains the word b*ggers. The full text of the message is below". The
mailing list software in due course distributed this reply to all the list
members, including the bank employee, and the message was again intercepted by
the email filter. A new message of refusal was prepended and the whole lot sent
back to the list. Given that the message was almost doubling in size each time
round, it's just as well the mailing list software was only running once and
hour or so. People with slow modems (most of us at the time) were not well


Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.515 / Virus Database: 313 - Release Date: 01/09/03

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