"Curtis L. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think I would like to start prepairing for the 0.9.3 release of
> FlightGear.  Lot's of stuff has changed, and the latest scenery works
> slightly better with the current cvs code.

Nice to hear - I hope I'll get the manual up to date in time. There are
a few things I'd like to see being fixed until the release happens.
I'll search my EMail archive for those - three come into my mind

1.) Please get the kontrol key mappings fixed. There are still some
    things to be fixed before the keyboard mapping matches
    international expectations (you still have to press AltGr-q to
    control the second engine in a C310),
2.) I'd love to see a universal scheme for control keys like say all
    aircraft-specific should be available via Ctrl-combinations, all
    controls that are suitable for all aircraft via Shift-combination -
    or the other way round, there has been a proposal in the past,
3.) fix several aircrafts: For example thos who are supposed to have a
    speed brake should really have a working one.

I'll give a summary later this week,
 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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