On Tuesday 23 September 2003 20:05, Jim Wilson wrote:
> Martin Spott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > Matevz Jekovec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > >>3.) fix several aircrafts: For example thos who are supposed to have a
> > >>    speed brake should really have a working one.
> > >>  
> > >>
> > > Yeah, my J-22 has speed brakes (modeled and animated correctly), but 
> > > shift+b doesn't do anything? This should really be fixed...
> > 
> > Shift-b _schould_ toggle the parking brake and it does so on _most_
> > aircrafts - some by LeeE have additional very nice gimmicks. Someone
> > posted Ctrl-b for the speed brake but none of the aircraft that I tried
> > has a working one.
> > 
> > This also points back to the pending confusion concerning keyboard
> > controls,
> > 
> There was a conversation on here a couple months ago about keyboard bindings
> and I volunteered to go through and do some cleanup.  I'll work on that over
> the next day or so and document what works and then we can look at what is
> still broken.
> We may find that we'll need to have certain keys reserved for "per aircraft"
> definitions, rather than modifying (overriding) global key input properties,
> at least for the time being.
> Best,
> Jim

Has anyone made up a list of all the controls that need er... controling?

I'm inclined to think that we need to clearly identify all the requirements 
before planning the schemes.


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