Am Dienstag, 23. September 2003 19:51 schrieb Martin Spott:
> "Curtis L. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think I would like to start prepairing for the 0.9.3 release of
> > FlightGear.  Lot's of stuff has changed, and the latest scenery works
> > slightly better with the current cvs code.
> Nice to hear - I hope I'll get the manual up to date in time. There are
> a few things I'd like to see being fixed until the release happens.
> I'll search my EMail archive for those - three come into my mind
> immediately:
> 1.) Please get the kontrol key mappings fixed. There are still some
>     things to be fixed before the keyboard mapping matches
>     international expectations (you still have to press AltGr-q to
>     control the second engine in a C310),
> 2.) I'd love to see a universal scheme for control keys like say all
>     aircraft-specific should be available via Ctrl-combinations, all
>     controls that are suitable for all aircraft via Shift-combination -
>     or the other way round, there has been a proposal in the past,
> 3.) fix several aircrafts: For example thos who are supposed to have a
>     speed brake should really have a working one.
> I'll give a summary later this week,
>       Martin.

How difficult would it be to to put a key configurator menu into flightgear?

Best Regards,
 Oliver C.

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