> If there were no winds at all, that might help. Otherwise, it doesn't work
> at all.
> Jon

Let me expand on that. If you do come to a stop, and there are no winds at
the moment, then the winds come up after you have stopped, then having
reduced the forces as your velocity goes to zero, you won't have any
resistance to the wind, and you'll start sliding again.

Another area where I have run into trouble is when standing still and trying
to calculate the angle that the tires make with the velocity vector.  If you
are landing, are crabbed, and/or have any rotational rate, the tire isn't
going to touch down without providing a sideward force component. But, if
you are standing still, the velocity vector is zero, and your steering angle
is not. The algorithm that computes steering angle goes berserk, causing
massively rabid changes in angle, and the resulting oscillation of
force/moment. I think I have recently gotten around that problem by allowing
the steering angle to change by a certain set amount per frame. However, now
since the steering angle is not allowed to change rapidly, the aircraft
slides - albeit much, much more smoothly, and without rotational
oscillations.  You squeeze the balloon a little here, and it bulges out a
little there.  I do have a fix in mind for that, and then the gear should be
much better in JSBSim.  However, as I said earlier, I'm working some
propulsion system improvements at the moment.


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