Jonathan Richards wrote:
> On Thursday 27 Nov 2003 5:23 am, JD Fenech wrote:
> > Not too shabby, but it probably has holes.  I do know that the last time
> > I checked, FG will display the sun at midnight, especially if you fly up
> > high enough, even if the earth is actually in the way, as in directly in
> > the way.
> The diagram looks wrong to me. Although the sun is 93 million miles away,
> it is  *much* larger than the Earth, so the Earth's shadow is a cone
> tapering *away* from the Sun.  I'm not sure if this damages JD's argument
> about detecting Sun visibility for sensible aircraft altitudes (the
> atmosphere is a very thin skin around the planet) but if the sim were ever
> extended to spacecraft, we'd want to get the geometry exactly right.

I allways dreamed of a flightsimulator with good ground detail where you can 
start from earth and fly into space seamlessly with a rocket. :)

One year ago i found a great simulator for planets that heavly used LOD 
In that simulator you were able to move from high detailed ground up into an 
orbit around the planet which used lower quailtity ground detail.
The sad thing is, i can't remember the name of that programme. :(
The only thing i can remember is, that it was an open source simulator
that worked under linux and used the planet mars as an example.
Those LOD algorithms could be very valuable for flightgear if we would use 
them for fg.
I allready searched for that simulator yesterday via google, but i didn't 
found it. That's quite difficult without knowing the name of it.

Does anyone know the name of that simulator?

Best Regards,
 Oliver C.

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