David Luff wrote:

TaxiDraw-0.1.0 is now available from:

Windows binary [375K]


Source [74K], requires wxWindows to compile (wxGTK-dev on Linux).


Summary of changes from 0.0.8 to 0.1.0:

Added support for displaying a background image to guide taxiway position.
Fixed the bug where accelerater keys (Ctrl+...) wouldn't work under GTK if
the same key was used for a non-Ctrl shortcut.
Added surface type to rwy properties dialog (display only - can't be edited
Added a lurid-colour option to make the taxiways and runways show up better
against photographic backgrounds - off by default.
Added an option to disable solid-shading and display the taxiway/runways as
outline only - off by default.
Probably more stuff I can't think of!


A series of screenshots showing the background display in action are at:


The first shows the current FG runways for DuPage (KDPA) overlaid on USGS
1m/pixel photography.
The second shows some taxiways added.
The third is a close up of the taxiways.
The forth shows the outline shading option.
The fifth shows that one of the FG runways extends beyond the runway in the
photo.  Either the FG data for this runway is wrong, or it's been extended
since the photo was taken.  Can anyone who knows KDPA tell me which is
currently correct?

How to use the Background Image function.

First you need an image, obviously!  Public domain images from the USGS at
1m/pixel are available for the entire USA from terraserver-usa.com as far
as I can see.  Note the '-usa' in the url - the similarly named
terraserver.com has nothing better than 8m/pixel for free.  For other
countries, the only ortho images available are likely to be
non-redistributable.  I am not a copyright lawyer (in fact I'm not a lawyer
full stop :-)), and have absolutely no idea whereabouts using a
copyrighted, non-redistributable image to guide creation of an entirely
different and separate redistributable image falls between legitimate use
of reference material to create an original work and non-legitimate
creation of a derivative work from copyrighted material.  Obviously each
user will have to make their own call on this, but it might be considered
prudent to avoid displaying screenshots of taxiways overlaid over
copyrighted images.

At the moment, the calibration function only calibrates position from one
point and requires manual entry of the scale, so you need an image in one
of the supported projections, and need to know the scale in meters per
pixel.  Currently supported projections are UTM (hardwired to NAD83) which
is what the USGS photography is in, and OSGB36 (UK grid) which is what most
(all?) UK ortho-photography is likely to be in.  Some available photography
is therefore currently unusable, such as the Massachusetts GIS photography,
which is in the Mass State Plane coordinate system.  I plan to add the
ability to calibrate rotation and scale from two points in the future, to
allow any ortho-photography to be used.

So... load an image using the load image function.  Only jpegs are
currently supported.  Load an airport.  Set the projection as appropriate.
Click 'calibrate image' from the 'Background' menu.  You will be prompted
for the scale in meters/pixel.  Then you will be prompted to click one
point on the FlightGear airport, followed by the corresponding point on the
background.  Before the first calibration the image can't be moved or
scaled, so you probably can't get the same point, but calibration can be
performed as many times as desired, and the image can be scaled and panned
on subsequent calibrations.  The scale prompt is not-rerun, so if you get
it wrong you need to reload the image, which resets the state to
uncalibrated.  When happy, the calibration can be saved, and then reloaded
on a subsequent session.


The UTM implementation came from Fred Bouvier, who says he got it from
Norman Vine, and was apparently written by one Fred M. Erickson, so thanks
to all of those!


There will be bugs!!!  I know about the one where the grid can spew random
lines across the screen when the right hand line slants of the edge of the
screen, which it can do now the extra projections have been added - as a
temporary workaround this can be eliminated by resizing the window.  I
distinctly remember when I wrote it thinking 'this will break if the line
ever slants off the edge of the screen' but I can't now remember why!  Doh!
Now I know why my wife bought me Homer Simpson socks last Christmas!

Have fun!

Cheers - Dave

Great work, really.
Can't wait to try it and draw some taxiways:)!

- Matevz

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