On Monday 08 December 2003 12:00, David Luff wrote:
> http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/~eazdluf/TaxiDraw-0p1p0-src.tar.gz
> Source [74K], requires wxWindows to compile (wxGTK-dev on Linux).

I tried it for the first time today, and I ran into some strange things:


All runways and taxiways seem to get centered around the center of the 
airport and not where they are supposed to be. I also tried v0.0.8, 
upgraded wxWindows to v2.4.2 (instead of 2.4.0, which I had already 
installed on my system), but all combinations ended up with the same 
result. I'm running Linux, kernel 2.4.21, gcc 3.2.2 and glibc 2.3.1. I used 
runways.dat from a cvs checkout on december 2nd 6.31am.

Am I missing something, as in how to use this program, or can this be 
considered a bug? Also, while viewing KSFO, I get a segfault when I zoom 
out 33 times with gridlines enabled, but not if they're disabled. 
File->Exit never works for me, whether I have an airport loaded or not. I 
always have to kill the window.

Taxidraw looks very good and the screenshots I saw of Jon Stockill's work on 
UK airports were very impressing!


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