On Wed, 2003-12-24 at 05:51, David Megginson wrote:
> Cameron Moore wrote:
> > One question though.  I mentioned trying to line up with a fuel tanker
> > and how the delayed movement was throwing me off.  My guess is that this
> > behavior was due to slow control surface movements.  My question is if
> > JSBSim simulates control surface movement speeds (excluding the flaps
> > which do) or is the control surface deflection always exactly equal to
> > the control input?
> Hinge moments for control surfaces probably have something to do with it, 
> but remember also that you're flying a heavy, fast plane.  Even if the plane 
> is very responsive to control input (which has more to do with aerodynamic 
> damping effects than control-surface response speed), you're not going to be 
> able to change the flight path on a dime.
> All other things being equal, a plane that flies twice as fast (say, because 
> of heavy wing-loading) needs twice as much time and four times as much space 
> to make a change in its flight path -- that's why a little Cessna or Piper 
> can start its landing flare over the runway itself, while a transport jet 
> has to start flaring at least a half mile back (pulling up the nose at the 
> last moment would only change the attitude in which the jet smashed into the 
> runway).  

Airliners aren't that sluggish ... the flare is initiated below 50 ft
AGL and that is definitely over the runway.

> Jet fighters turn fast only by pulling ridiculously high G-forces, 
> and even then, they need a lot of time and space to turn around.
> I'm sure that inertia has a lot to do with it as well, but I don't know 
> enough about physics to describe those effects.

Inertia is a player, but most aircraft do not have large roll moments of
inertia .. the mass tends to be concentrated close to the roll axis.
> All the best,
> David
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