Andy Ross writes:
> Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> > David, (Andy?)
> >
> > It appears that in the latest cvs, we have lost the ability to control
> > the engines independently.
> This one is mine.  The recent Nasal stuff contains a rework of the
> engine handling to allow for arbitrary numbers of engines, and avoid
> the "why are there 10 engines on the skyhawk?" issue.
> > Previously you could type <Shift-1> <Shift-2> <Shift-3> ... etc. to
> > select an engine.  Then '{' and '}' would select the magnetos.
> > Finally, "space bar" would kick in the starter motor for as long as it
> > was depressed.
> Let me take a look.  I presume you're seeing this with the DC-3?  The
> code (selectEngine(), stepMagnetos() and startEngine() in
> controls.nas) looks more or less correct at first reading.  I'm pretty
> sure I remember testing this with a multiengine aircraft...

For what it's worth, I can control the engines independently if I
manually manipulate the correct properties, so this has to be some
problem with the nasal scripts not setting the properties correctly.


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program               FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    curt 'at'             curt 'at'

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