> David Megginson wrote:
> > In the planes I've flown -- admittedly not a wide range of types --
> > holding rudder generally induces a bank before there's a significant
> > change in flight direction (as opposed to just heading).
> Right, you need to hold it in the slip with opposing ailerons
> (aerodynamically, it's no different than holding a slip for a
> crosswind landing, which also requires cross controlling).  But
> nonetheless if you can produce a side force, you can turn the airplane
> with it.  The underlying physics doesn't know what a "wing" or is.

sorry guys, I don't know what to belive in anymore  :)
I'll think about this on weekend, but anyway, wheter to use rudder or not.
Take the A320 (on FG) and watch the ball. All I want to know, which property to
use for trigger function to keep the ball centered.
since you discussed this topic so deeply, I'm sure someone can name me the


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