Melchior FRANZ wrote:
* Roy Vegard Ovesen -- Friday 14 May 2004 11:59:

I downloaded a MSFS King Air B200 by Chuck Dome and Mario Coelho.
This appears in a text file in the package:

"I hereby declare this aircraft package to be in the Public Domain.
Anyone may use it for any nonviolent purpose, including commerce, without
permission.  It should not harm your computer but, if you imagine it has, I
accept no liability."

So I guess that we are free to use that model.

No, it's not GPL compatible. Public Domain alone would be GPL compatible, but the GPL doesn't allow additional restrictions. And, even if that sounds ridiculous, "may use it for any nonviolent purposes" implies the restriction to use it for "violent purposes" (whatever this is).

Hmm, the only time I can see it being used for violent purposes it for testing how to fly it into something. I'm quite comfortable with that restriction to be honest.

Using the aircraft for target practicing (shooting simulated drops of paint at it) is can hardly be called violent use _of the King Air_ itself.



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